单词 for a moment 例句大全,用单词for a moment造句:

For the moment, itremains an anomaly as a place that isfree but undemocratic.
He put on an air of in difference, which didn't deceive anybody for a moment.
He stopped and,for a moment, appeared to have lost the thread of his remarks.
Sometimes when the light disappears, an afterimage remains, just for a moment.
Sometimes I accidentally step on his toe. He yelps for a moment and backs away.
有时, 我不小心踩了他的爪子, 他痛得嗷嗷直叫, 转身就逃。
Professor Porter Shall I, ahem, leave you and the blackboard alone for a moment
波特教授可以吗, 嗯, 让你和你的黑白独自呆一会儿?
A violation in the walk for lifting a foot before the leg has bent for a moment
Hold a moment, look for the abyss of time, love to take photo and then take photo!
把握瞬间, 寻觅永恒, 爱拍就拍吧!
The pigtailed waitress stared at me angrily for a moment, then rebuked me sharply.
For the moment, Mr Bocs government remains in office as a caretaker administration.
He thought for a moment, then he made a decision. Aladdin could marry the princess.
Not that it must be for a moment supposed that our Women are destitute of affection.
The Cipher of the Divine Language appears on your arms for a brief moment then fades.
He stopped for a moment, puffed twice on his cigar and glanced around at the audience.
Nim kept his voice controlled, annoyed at himself for revealing his anger a moment ago.
尼姆控制着自己的声音, 责怪自己刚才不该发火。
So the solar cell, for a moment, is harvesting energy from this artificial light source.
所以现在 太阳能电池 正在从这个人工光源接收能量
For a moment longer she waited, then she moved forward, followed by one of her attendants.
Let me continue for a moment to focus on the ambivalence attending communication by speech.
For a moment she looked accusingly at his abundant hair, his olive skin, his blameless eyes.
But stop and think for a moment about the many positive aspects that globalization is bringing.
The drunk looks at the bartender for a moment angrily, curses, and shows himself out the side door.
Only a moment before she had been listening with some complacency, remembering her old affection for him.
就在一分钟之前, 她还在悠然自得地听他说话, 未忘旧情。
Assume for the moment, however, that the information is being pulled on demand from a relational database.
Wife of shopowner astonishment looking at this thin thin girl, silent for a moment, then turned and walked out.
If the system is down even for a moment, the loss might be substantial and it may affect the lifetime of the business.
如果系统停机, 损失会很大, 可能会影响业务的生存期。
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单词 for a moment 释义

  • 单词释义:片刻,一会儿;霎时之间  [更多..]



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