单词 flunk out 例句大全,用单词flunk out造句:

They flunk out of CalTech.
Ifyou don't study hard, you'll flunk out.
If you don't keep on studying you'll flunk out.
He didn't flunk out, but his record isn't so hot.
Aunt Edie's gonna give me the boot if I flunk out.
如果我不及格的话,伊迪姑姑 会把我踢出门的。
If flunk out I can always transfer to Engineering.
一旦不合格, 马上可以转工程专业。
You mustn't flunk others, or you will be flunked out.
不能再出差错, 否则就得退学了。
If you just loaf around in college, you will flunk out.
You're gonna flunk out if you just sit there watching me study!
You'd better keep your mind on your studies, otherwise you may flunk out.
你最好专心读书, 否则你可能会留级。
But just like high school, many students flunk out of college because of their poor grades.
但正如高中一样, 许多大学生因成绩不好而退学。
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单词 flunk out 释义

  • 单词释义:(因不及格)(使)退学  [更多..]



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