单词 focal point 例句大全,用单词focal point造句:

As the wcba history in fame biggest foreign aid, Mei Fen performance into everybody attention focal point.
前国手, 主力射手毛文静也由于伤病无法上场。
One of the current General Service staff would also serve as the administrative focal point for the Division.
The treatment of chrome tanning waste water is the focal point of single term control for tannery's waste water.
The focal point of scientific research will transfer to life science and biological medicine in the next century.
在下个世纪, 科研重点将向生命科学和生物医学转移。
Whether the circulator flow should join the additional circulating flow or not is the focal point in the argument.
Valence Bond Theory in chemistry teaching of university was not only the focal point, but also the difficulties.
In the training relating that to, main focal point is listed in the main body of a book in behavior mistake detecting.
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单词 focal point 释义

  • 单词释义:集中点,焦点(指人或事物);活动中心  [更多..]



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