单词 focus mode 例句大全,用单词focus mode造句:

They are also to work in Auto Focus mode.
Establishing line focus on optical scanning mode.
In focus mode, use the joystick to set focus to page elements
Judging thr Change of Auto Production Mode form Ford Focus Car
Which kind of channel mode, will become development focus of future ?
哪一种渠道模式, 将成为未来的发展重心?
Which IME mode do you want to set when the focus is moved to the field ?
当焦点移至该字段时, 您希望设置为哪种输入法模式?
Keep the setting of IME mode for this field after the focus is moved away ?
当焦点移开后, 是否保持该字段的输入法模式设置?
To fix attention and to focus force, to innovation with keen determination, and to create hard the new mode of development for higher VTE
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