单词 fold in 例句大全,用单词fold in造句:

Deformation and Zonation of the Longmenshan Fold and Thrust Zone in the Western Sichuan Basin
To fold the fabric along the lengthwise grain, fold the fabric in half and align the selvages.
布边对齐, 沿直丝绺将面料对折。
Lanelese furrowed her brow as she put the final fold in the blanket and stacked it behind her.
To avoid internal administration at the remnants stranded in the reproductive tract which fold.
Application of nasolabial fold flap of subcutaneous belt pedicle in repairing nasolabial defect
Flow and Deformation Mechanisms of Hornblende Rocks from the Paleoproterozoic Fold Belt in Liaodong Peninsula
Terra has recalled how to blend light and dark in a manner that emulates the new dream and return into its fold.
Correlated Analysis on Finger Vessel and Microcirculation of Nail Fold in Exogenous Fever in Children analysis of 152 cases.
Structural feature and oil and gas potential in the Foreland Fold and the thrust belt of Late Paleozoic in NW Zhejiang Province
英文例句大全为您提供fold in英文例句大全,fold in英文造句,关于fold in的英语句子,单词fold in怎么造句,fold in英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于fold in,英语单词fold in的句子,单词fold in如何造句,fold in怎么造句等。

单词 fold in 释义

  • 单词释义:包起来;笼罩,环绕  [更多..]



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