单词 follow on 例句大全,用单词follow on造句:

Passenger and crew! Follow the lifeboatman to the lifeboat stations on the embarkation deck.
Follow up on supplier quality issues corrective actions on basis of the company actual case.
Passengers and crew! Follow the lifeboat man to the lifeboat stations on the embarkation deck.
M on school days. Also, please follow the teachers'requirements of any earlier arrival request.
若老师有特别要求要提早到, 请遵守并配合之。
Their canoes follow the Lozi king as he and his family move by barge to a home on higher ground.
他们会跟随着洛齐部落首领, 迁往高地生活。
Follow with a toner on a cotton pad such as organic witch hazel to clean off the remaining clay.
用化妆棉蘸上调肤水, 比如有机金屡梅, 来清除残留的泥巴。
Stress on practise training, learning doing in the doing through apprentice follow master worker.
Puma cuds are playful and begin to follow the female on hunts when they are about two months old.
This paper presents the researches on camera models and calibration methods that follow in detail.
Xiao Xiao is also called, is modeled on, the children follow their parents called filial obedience.
孝又叫肖, 即效仿, 子女追随服从父母就叫孝。
On the contrary, the fight against this scourge must follow closely the principles of human rights.
The bottom of the valley was soft and swampy. He pushed on, trying to follow the tracks of his companion.
在某一个织造循环中, 前综位于上方, 后综位于下方
Confirm delivery to OE internal, follow material, production schedule, improvement on time delivery rate.
Piscine mouth shoe, afterwards follow on current goes this year, if show, toe is like concealed, very sexy.
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the Committee Against Torture follow this model.
On the other hand, it is easier to follow a slowly changing voltage by watching the needle on an anlaogue display.
但另一方面, 其表针的移动, 对于缓慢变化的电压更容易观察。
The way of reading a book which I follow has three points: reading a book is good, be keen on reading, read a good book.
The computation of tax payable for Consumption Tax shall follow either the rate on value or the amount on volume method.
Although his viewpoints on classics did not follow the academic standards of objectivity, they were still of significance.
但他的经说有意义, 尽管也未曾贯彻客观化的学术规范。
Follow this breeze of music and you are on a trip filled with colorful fragrance, glistering sensibility and childlike joy.
If I just kept my eyes locked on the back of my brother's truck, if I just made my wheels follow his wheels, I 'd be all right.
Apply on face and throat after cleansing and after applying Advanced Night Repair, if desired. Use AM and PM. Follow with your moisturizer as desired.
在早, 晚洁面爽肤后, 滋润产品之前使用。
She sprinkleswater on her flowers every morning. They surge to follow him, eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops. The fans surgedforward to see the movie star.
Distinguished taste aesthetics, originating from the taste on food, is bound to be the embodiment of sensibilities about life and follow the principle of body thinking.
Once, when a movie was successful there used to be a ' sequel ', a follow-up film destined to build on the popularity of its predecessor and extend the life of the story at the box office.
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单词 follow on 释义

  • 单词释义:继续,随之发生  [更多..]



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