单词 follow out 例句大全,用单词follow out造句:

Its imperative that you follow out the doctort directions.
You and your girl follow him to work to talk him out of it.
He decided to follow her, striking out in the same direction.
They should follow up their victories and wipe out the enemy.
It is important that you follow out his instructions carefully.
Fill out the form first. This is the formality we have to follow.
先填写表格, 这是必须的手续。
Push joystick in to follow links, click buttons, or fill out forms
按下滚动键将进入链接, 点击按钮或开始填表
Some soldier and prefect follow Caesar out of motive of friendship.
Start out with a stun then follow up with Steel Breath and Blindness.
To follow infmation in PM Eng. Depart. give out advisable suggestion.
Students are advised to follow the syllabus to carry out their studies.
The third section will point out principles which reform should follow.
It rose out of the Basket and Began to follow the movements of the pipe.
The follow up and close out of audits shall be available for company review.
With the Germans, you have to follow the rules. And keep out of their sight.
跟德国人在一起, 你得服从纪律。而且得躲着他们点儿。
It is a very sociable diet to follow because you don't have to put anyone out.
Then, payment and delivery, which are carried out by prearranged methods, follow.
not to follow me, not to make out of me a cage which will become a religion, a sect.
In carrying out its seasonal design time to follow the science and art of unification.
He pulled over and on an impulse got out and began to follow the boy down the fence line.
他一冲动便下了车, 开始沿着篱笆跟着男孩。
About the end of July, I brought out my ultralight and tried to get the geese to follow it.
One participant has to describe a route traced out on the map so that both speaker and listener follow the identical route.
TeeHeeOh, the another artefact is twice as simple. You meet follow your assistance in its representative and vantage its set out.
When I walk together with two others, they can surely serve as my teachers. I'll find out their merits so as to follow them and their demerits so as to avoid them.
We must also follow the laws and regulations and mete out punishment against those who breach the laws and regulations and illicitly seize the land of the farmers.
必须依法严惩那些违背法律, 强占乱占农民土地的人。
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单词 follow out 释义

  • 单词释义:跟在…之后离开;贯彻,依照…完成  [更多..]



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