单词 established culture 例句大全,用单词established culture造句:

Zhejiang Culture and Sport, and Trade Co, Ltd. was established in 1990.
The vampire has long been established as a powerful icon of our culture.
One's established personal identity is a mask culture stealthily imposes.
The system tissue culture and rapid propagation of Magnolia denudata was established.
The ancient town of Seven Treasures had a wine culture that was well established long time ago.
古镇七宝, 酒文化源远流长。
Established the excellent condition suitable for culture human periodontal ligamental fibroblasts in vitro
After several times of successive transfers of culture, a stable cell suspending culture line was established.
单细胞液经过多次继代培养, 建立起稳定的悬浮系。
By studying the culture of the detached stems of Mozzie buster, the fast reproductive system had been established.
It was the efficiency experiment system of regenesis plant of Elaeagnus mollis tissue culture that had been established.
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