单词 Esua 例句大全,用单词Esua造句:

Observe ferreous mesua furniture carefully, with respect to the individual character that can discover it.
仔细观察铁力木家具, 就会发现它的个性。
In bright type furniture, ferreous mesua furniture is behaving him with the style of Chinese hackberrya of its massiness clumsy.
在明式家具中, 铁力木家具以其厚重拙朴的风格表现着自己。
This becomes warped greatly head desk, represented style of furniture of bright type ferreous mesua typically.
这件大翘头案, 非常典型地代表了明式铁力木家具风格。
Museum of Beijing the Imperial Palace hides one ferreous mesua to become warped greatly head desk, of dimension gigantic, very infrequent.
北京故宫博物院藏有一铁力木大翘头案, 尺寸之巨, 非常罕见。
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