单词 gear to 例句大全,用单词gear to造句:

The effort applied to the steering gear for cornering should be transmitted to the front wheels.
Gear to Actual Circumstances, Operate as a Whole, Completely Implement Safety Management Methods
Applying the Relation of Gear Size to Calculating the Geometric Size of Gear with Displacement Angle
As a footnote, we are also likely to slightly adjust Replenishment and buff the amount of MP5 on gear.
Using high speed pumps to replace gear pumps for ammonia recycling, satisfactory results were achieved.
Solution to the Restraint Gear Shapper Addendum Strength to the Profile Shafted Coefficient by Charting Method
Eccentric gear under the building motion is provided to adjust its eccentricity to change the tension of roving.
在成形机构的下方配有偏心齿轮, 可以调节粗纱张力。
Driving longitudinally to adopt gear, rack transmitting design, which ensures the stable movement of the machine.
The greatest drawback to tricycle gear is the greater weight and drag incurred by adding the large nosewheel strut.
前三点起落架最大的缺点是, 较重的重量及较大的阻力。
The distinguishing feature of this design continue to have the advantage of the gear clutch and make up its shortcoming.
If we force them to be the born virtues, they dont gear with us, or even obsess us because these artificial codes of conduct are not the essence of our born virtues.
因为, 这种人为的行为规范, 终究不是来自人类天之天的根本。
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单词 gear to 释义

  • 单词释义:调整(某物)使其适合…  [更多..]



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