单词 go along with 例句大全,用单词go along with造句:

I intend to go along with this good man, and to cast in my lot with him.
我打算陪着这位好人, 与他共患难。
This works against common sense. I don't go along with it for one minute.
这有悖常理, 我一点也不同意。
At first they protested, but finally they agreed to go along with my wish.
开始他们反对, 但终于他们同意顺随我愿。
As compared with the forwards and guards, I still have along distance to go.
Leaders don't force other people to go along with them. They bring them along.
The course also taught athletes to go along with rituals that might seem silly.
Now that you have all agreed, I can only go along with the current and agree too.
Look much changeable, a lot of once very bemused thing lets it go along with wind!
As an example, use a relatively simple class and a test class to go along with it.
举例来说, 在项目中使用一个相对简单的类和测试类。
We will also be uploading new calibration movies to go along with these new movies.
She is an honest and upright person who will not go along with dishonest practices.
Some go along because of their connections with the people opposing or approving it.
Every morning, along the river bank my doggy go jogging with me and enjoy sunrise together.
Yet the European Trade Union Confederation could never go along with such a leap in the dark.
Purpose does not linger, but moves steadily along with you, whatever you do and wherever you go.
她不会徘徊不定, 无论何时何地, 都与你形影相随。
Go along with the Advancing Age, Exploit and Innovate, to Be an Excellent College Political Instructor
Our company will trueblue go along with extensive customers by hand in hand to inaugurate baking enterprise!
As yoga has become more popular across the world, the breathing techniques that go along with it have gained popularity as well.
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单词 go along with 释义

  • 单词释义:一起去,赞同,附和  [更多..]



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