单词 go about 例句大全,用单词go about造句:

Securities just how the regulator would go about addressing these issues.
People may agree that the quickest way to go about New York is by subway.
人们会一致认为, 绕纽约兜一圈最快的方法是乘地铁。
I had always wanted to be a cartoonist but never knew how to go about it.
我很想成为漫画家, 但一直苦于无门。
This article provides some tips on how to go about assertive communication.
How could it possible for them to go about without the pricks of conscience ?
It is dangerous to go about on the construction site without a safety helmet.
Therefore your daughters go about as harlots, And your brides commit adultery.
Therefore, if that request should fail, you should just go about your business.
How do you go about deciding if a career risk is necessary and will bear fruit ?
We have to make a careful analysis to find out how to go about political reform.
Go about your business. I'll have the body carried to the chapel before nightfall.
To learn a foreign language well is no easy matter. We must go about it earnestly.
Now that we have marked up all of this content, how do we go about extracting it ?
He loves to go about admiring the words and paintings on horizontal inscribed boards.
The government believes that the ID card will be necessary to go about your daily life.
The children usually go to bed at halfeight and go to sleep about ten minutes afterwards.
Sabotage, everyone is capable of it. But some go about it more cruelness than t he others.
阴谋破坏, 每个人都能做, 但有些人可以做得更加冷酷。
It is better to go about the work separately, as collaboration would make us less efficient.
这事儿最好分头协作, 搭班干反而效率不高。
I wanna change jobs, but without burning any bridges. What’s the best way to go about this?
So how do you go about turning a comparatively gentle deflagration reaction into a detonation?
The children usually go to bed at half past eight and go to sleep about ten minutes afterwards.
China must catch up with the most advanced countries in the world. But how shall we go about it?
Aside from the presets , how would you suggest someone go about beginning to explore the options
除了预设值外, 你会如何建议用户开始探究这些选项呢?
With the flood approaching, they go about inspecting and supporting the dams several times a day.
My little bro’s wisdom teeth are hurting and he’s being a sissy about it and doesn’t want to go see the dentist. He needs to just man up and go, otherwise stop whining about it.
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单词 go about 释义

  • 单词释义:处理;到处走动;流传;改变方向  [更多..]



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