单词 GRAMS 例句大全,用单词GRAMS造句:

Flank a few man kids in addition to exceed grams to all emulate to build a big rumpus.
The Education Department will won award the first grams earlier grants early next year.
C. Zero grams trans fat means there is no partially hydrogenated oils used in the food.
To dye 100 grams of wool for example, you might need up to 50 grams of dried madder root.
However, consuming more than 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight isnt beneficial either.
然而, 身体重量每千克吸收了超过1。5克蛋白质同样没有好处。
Mix eight grams of alum with seven grams of cream of tartar in a small amount of hot water.
By doing so, they could deliver high doses, up to 4 grams per kilogram of body weight daily.
通过这样做, 他们能够每天输入高达4克每千克体重的量。
Turmeric 12 grams, plain break 12 grams, dog backbone 12 grams, antler frost 12 grams.
Actor grams of Morris's death has been living in his wife's paintings, by the memories alive.
The auricularia auricula red jujube soup takes the auricularia auricula30 grams, red jujube20.
Grams as the Secretary of the Federation of Trade Unions, the labor movement more active again.
高克谦担任了总工会秘书, 工人运动更加活跃起来。
Each tablet contains 250 grams of acetaminophen, 250 grams of aspirin and 65 grams of caffeine.
Soy snacks can contain up to a whopping 5 grams of protein plus they arent loaded with bad fats.
To get the potential weight loss benefit, Layman advises aiming for around 120 grams of protein a day.
真正对减重有益的做法是, 每天摄入120克蛋白质。
the quantity of an element whose weight in grams is numerically equal to the atomic weight of the element
Toto steamed steamed called, is ajiu cheng flour surface into a fermentationlao cheng100 grams of weight.
They only have charts listing things you could eat, like half a piece of celery of4.5 grams of applesause.
他们只列出你应该吃的东西, 例如半棵芹菜, 4。5克苹果酱。
Day3 Add in110 grams of filtered water and110 grams of rye flour and. Stir the mixture again3 times daily.
Therefore, the system the amount of grams of liquid directly affect the amount of fluid within the evaporator.
因此, 系统克液量的多寡直接影响蒸发器内的液体量。
The remains consisted only of a very few small bones weighing no more than19.4 grams and were in bad condition.
Raw material The pig is spinal 500 grams, earthy tuckahoe 60 grams, the root of remembranous milk vetch 30 grams.
原料猪脊骨500克, 土茯苓60克, 黄芪30克。
If suttle can amount to 3 grams above, on price general 10 thousand yuan, regrettablly this kind bead live a life less.
Face before sleeping thoroughly clean skin, 0.3 grams pearl powder and embellish skin water mediate, dab go up at the face.
临睡前彻底清洁皮肤, 将0。3克珍珠粉与润肤水调和, 轻拍于面上。
Cold cold patient may take the coriander 9 grams, the onion white 10 grams, after the water fries sweetens blends flavors, takes.
风寒感冒患者可取香菜9克, 葱白10克, 水煎加糖调味后服用。
They say we all lose 21 grams at the exact moment of our death. everyone.The weight of a stack of nickels.The weight of a chocolate bar.The weight of a hummingbird.
他们说当我们死去的时候体重会减轻21克, 每个人都一样。

单词 GRAMS 释义

  • 单词释义:Ground Recording and Monitoring System 地面记录与监控系统  [更多..]



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