单词 gravitational energy 例句大全,用单词gravitational energy造句:

This is the gravitational potential energy.
Study of the Gravitational Energy in Neutron Stars
Notice that the gravitational potential energy increases.
The gravitational force is in the direction potential energy.
Let me first give you the formal definition of gravitational potential energy.
我先给你一个对于, 重力势能的形式定义。
When I'm here, the gravitational potential energy increases in this direction.
Gravitational Field in the Ideal Gas Thermal Cycling and the Potential Energy into Heat.
So you're using, then, the conversion of gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy.
所以你在利用, 重力势能, 转换成, 动能。
Experimental study on metallurgical characteristics of swirling reactor driven by gravitational potential energy
A SOF has application in particular to a positive energy proof and energy localization for a gravitational system.
You can install a disk in your car, which I would call, then, a flywheel, And you can convert the gravitational potential energy.
可以在车内装个圆盘, 可以称之为飞轮, 可以转化, 重力势能。
Now, what we would like to do is we would like to convert all this gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy of that disk.
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