单词 ground air 例句大全,用单词ground air造句:

Many of the ground and air attacks on villages resulted in the indiscriminate killing of civilians.
The heat from the ground mingled with the cool wind which swirled the dry, fetid dust into the air.
地上的热气与凉风搀合起来, 夹杂着腥臊的干土, 似凉又热
Oxygen in the air would taste of food oxidation, but also easy to bacteria breeding ground for corruption.
Research on Shooting Airraid Aims Optimization Apportion of Ground Air Defense Weapons Mixed Configuration
Within two kilometers around the venue, the police cordon set up three from the ground to the air, 24hour alert.
Study On the Mode of Multilevel Gray Evaluation Method for the Ground to Air Missile Battalion to Mobile Transfer
Sit in the transparent ball carapace of pensile move, human body appears magic kind of ground in suspension in air.
坐在悬挂着的透明球壳里, 人体似乎魔术般地悬浮在空气中。
Study on Evaluating Model of Shoot Ability for Ground to Air Missile under the Condition of the Electronic Interference
Constable Sharlene Brooks in the Canadian border city of Delta said ground, air and canine units are involved in the search.
Study on Orientation Model of Radar Station of Ground to Air Missile in Motional Campaign by Measuring the Distance of Aground Mark
The average illumination, air temperature and ground temperature of the field of intercropping of apricot and wheat were lower than those of monoculture field.
Recently British Airways and Air France, the only two airlines that operate the 12 remaining Concordes, were forced by British and French regulators to ground their planes.
Air conditioning in coal mines involves more complicated cooling load calculation,mope frequent variation in system configuration and higher investment than that of ground buildings.
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