单词 green room 例句大全,用单词green room造句:

that in the green room.
There are many flowers in the green room.
Deluxe Standard Room Green River hotel Reservation
豪华标准房, 宜昌清江酒店预订
We're hoping to add on a green room and a guest bedroom.
The flash of green light illuminated every corner of the room.
The room was carpeted in a very thick green carpet with a wave-like pattern.
The reporter briefly spoke with the actor in the green room before the show.
演出开始前, 记者在后台与那位男演员进行了简短的交谈。
Alice goes into fitting room. Minutes later, she comes out, wearing the green blouse.
艾丽丝走进试衣室, 几分钟后, 她穿着绿色衬衣走了出来。
White House, East Hall, Green Room, Blue Room, Red followed by Office and adjacent banquet hall.
Only on the type of bonsai, room decoration and embellishment of green on the relevant knowledge.
只就盆景的类型, 居室的绿化装饰和点缀, 介绍有关的常识。
Clean room is located beautiful, tall, lush trees, beautiful flowers, green fragrance, rich green humanities.
室设整洁亮丽, 树木葱郁高大, 花草艳丽青香, 人文绿色浓厚。
The moss creeping onto the doorsteps turns them green. The color of the grass reflected through the bamboo curtains turns the room blue.
苔痕上阶绿, 草色入帘青。
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