单词 Graves 例句大全,用单词Graves造句:

Avenues are filled with cars abandoned, and dilapidated buildings lie there like graves.
满大街的汽车如同废铁, 破落不堪的楼宇仿若一座座孤坟。
Lord, we await the day when open graves will display the power of Christ's resurrection.
They are digging their own graves, and they have no right to blame fate or other people.
自家掘坑自家埋, 怨天尤人全是错误得。
Are no mass graves exist, leaving only a stone, mass graves for the white mule monument.
现冢无存, 仅留石碑, 传为白骡冢碑。
On this day, the whole family visit the graves of their deceased relatives and ancestors.
The church, the ruin, the antiquated graves, had equal claims upon a stranger's thoughts.
Village graves are organized with bureaucratic precision, each generation in its own row.
The Role of Stress Stress is known to trigger Graves disease and exacerbate its symptoms.
压力的作用压力被认为是格雷夫斯病的导火索, 病加重病情。
She wanted to honor the relics of the martyrs and visit their graves down in the catacombs.
It is an interpretation of executive power that would make the Founders whirl in their graves.
Simple Study of the Ancestral Graves of Zheng Family and Zheng State Moved Its Capital Eastward
The sod is still flash on those graves, Many covered with personal messages, flowers and flags.
Prices of graves and cells for the storage of ashes shall be fixed reasonably and marked clearly.
And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
到耶稣复活以后, 他们从坟墓里出来, 进了圣城, 向许多人显现。
The government is cracking down on elaborate and outlandish graves, a flagrant violation of these rules.
Since cremation began to be carried out and burial was abolished, there are less and less graves in the fields.
The remaining unclaimed Gu Fen, in relation to the emperor is not difficult to find the graves of their ancestors.
剩下的无主孤坟中, 就不难找到皇帝先人坟墓了。
They also visited the alleged graves and made a video and photographic record of both the evidence and the witnesses.
Focuses on the graves laminated to break the relationship between the two burial pottery combination of content and classification.
重点阐述墓葬叠压打破关系, 随葬陶器组合与分类。
Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swines flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels
真是可恶极了, 一定要让白雪公主从世界上消失

单词 Graves 释义

  • 单词释义:(法国)格拉夫葡萄酒  [更多..]



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