单词 heavy air 例句大全,用单词heavy air造句:

They have to bear the heavy traffic, dirty air and various kinds of din.
他们必须忍受拥挤的交通, 污浊的空气和各种各类的喧嚣。
Loaders, fork lifts and air compressors are heavy construction machinery.
It can thrust its heavy body into the air and clear a fence nine feet high.
The air in the church was heavy with incense from the many swinging censers.
Not being seen, air has weight and is surprisingly heavy in considerable amount.
空气虽然看不见, 但它有重量, 而且大量的空气还惊热人呢。
The Argentine troops were bombed every day by the British heavy air and sea weapons.
Numerical Simulation on Charging Characteristics of Heavy Haul Train Air Brake Pipe System
An air transport pilot license equips you to fly heavy aircraft on transcontinental flights.
And in heavy rain the water simply turns into droplets that are blown away by the air stream.
The State of Art and Development of Air Heavy Medium Fluidized Bed Coal Preparation Technology
Calls up a powerful bolt of lightning that interrupts the enemy and inflicts heavy air damage.
The diaphram type air brake chambers are widely used on heavy and medium trucks in our country.
Mesoscale Analysis on a Heavy Rain Associated with a Bengal Bay Storm and Cold Air in West Yunnan
He extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom.
A Case Study on the Effects of Cold Air from the Southern Hemisphere on the Continuous Heavy Rains in South China
In the orchard, fruits in autumn were hanging in clusters, and the air was heavy with the aroma of melons and fruits.
果园里, 秋实累累, 瓜果飘香。
The restaurant was three blocks from my office, so I walked there in the heavy, damp air, thinking about the last time I had seen my father.
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