单词 helicopter rescue 例句大全,用单词helicopter rescue造句:

The rescue helicopter made another sweep over the bay.
Tower crane under catches fire the helicopter to come to rescue
When the river flooded, the party of tourist has to be rescue by helicopter.
Thereupon, Malaysia sent an armed helicopter and a naval ship to rescue them.
随后, 马来西亚迅速派出武装直升机和军舰前往救援。
Important Role of Medical Helicopter in Rescue for Astronaut in the Landing Place.
It was not long before a helicopter arrived on scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.
不久, 一架直升飞机飞到现场, 来营救飞机失事的幸存者。
It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.
It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scone to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.
The two fishermen were winched on to a rescue helicopter and taken to hospital on Thursday Island, off Australias north coast.
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