单词 higher income 例句大全,用单词higher income造句:

Higher income bracket
a higher income per capita than the United States.
The 2 nd pace is him operation, gain higher income.
The more unearned income, the higher the tax burden.
The higher the rental rate, the higher the gross income.
租金越高, 毛收入就越高。
Besides higher income, what can Netease still bring for animal
除了更高得收入, 网易还能为魔兽带来什么
Besides higher income, what can Netease still bring for animal.
Wealth concentration is always a lot higher than income concentration.
财富集中度总是 远高于收入集中度。
The higher need for certainty of income would mean a lower tolerance for volatility.
越需要有稳定得收入得人, 对波动得容忍能力越低。
Revenue and net income growth was driven by higher purchase sales and average loans.
David asked people around whether 1200 yuan was higher than the average income in Lanzhou.
The company which adopts the second way always has a higher net income to net assets ratio.
Rather, the reduction reflects more and more families ascending to higher income categories.
更应该说, 这减少反映了越来越多的家庭上升至高收入一族。
Generally speaking, it will be advantageous for the parent who has the higher income to claim child allowance.
一般来说, 赚取较高入息的一方申请子女免税额, 会较为有利。
Most people seem to think that its reasonable for Jane to pay a higher percentage of her income as tax than Sue does.
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