单词 hesitate at 例句大全,用单词hesitate at造句:

Do not hesitate to laugh at anything you find amusing.
Horace gives a gaze at the owner, picks up the check and hesitate to go.
霍勒斯盯了店主一眼, 拿起支票毫不犹豫地走了。
Even now he did not hesitate to glance at her, and she was conscious of it.
We are never sentimentally attached to and wander at applause, and never hesitate.
In front of us are the most heinous criminals, so we shouldn't hesitate at all when confronting them.
This man is of a character so infamous that he will stick at no falsehood, or hesitate at no crime, to attain his ends.
这人毫无廉耻, 不惜捏造谎言, 利用最阴险的手段达到目的。
This man is of a character so infamous that he will stick at no falsehood, or hesitate at no crime, to attain his ends.
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单词 hesitate at 释义



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