单词 image data 例句大全,用单词image data造句:

In this case, a header of the inserted image data is added with a page number.
For example, the image expander240 expands the image data using interpolation.
Study on the image symmetrization suitable for data compression by optical method
This means that no data is lost during compression, so the image does not degrade.
这意味着压缩过程中没有数据损失, 因此图像质量不会下降。
His typical achievements are image processing and conventional data processing, etc.
For each line in the data array, extract the precise pixel coordinates in the image.
Study of Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Spatial Data Mining Techniques
This allows the aspect ratio of the image data to be determined more directly or easily.
New data reserving method and corresponding image interpolation scheme are also included.
Study on the Quality Evaluation of Satellite Remote Sensing Image Data Compression System
Image classification is an important approach for transforming raster data to vector data.
The collection of web image and its conversion into the discrete data image was introduced.
Determining the Profiles of the Stellar Image with Data of Photon Counts on Transit Instrument
Data volume of core image was big, not appropriate for storage and transfer, itto be compressed.
岩心图像数据量很大, 不便存储和传输, 需要进行压缩。
What characteristics should a graph contain in order that the image of the data be undistorted ?
A data output device to be used for an automatic print service apparatus for printing image data.
Method to determine whether the Clipboard contains image data before retrieving it with this method.
在使用此方法检索图像数据之前, 使用。
Image sparse representation data got by sparse decomposition method are compressed by quantization and coding.
在图像稀疏分解的基础上, 对分解出的数据进行压缩。
The uranium deposit prospecting using the remote sensing image data has become one kind of new research tendency.
The compressed encoding of image data is one of the most important ring joint of digital photogrammetric surveying field.
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