单词 incentive system 例句大全,用单词incentive system造句:

Establish a fair work evaluation and incentive system.
Contingency incentive and optimal performance appraisal system design
The system that one Xue Tu ground reforms acupuncture point is incentive.
Well you have to allocate dollars for that system and for that incentive pay.
你必须为这个制度 以及激励性薪资 分配资金
Orcutt added that a strong commercial incentive exists to develop this system.
奥克特还补充说, 开发这个系统存在巨大的商业动机。
The Employee Stock Ownership Plan is an effective incentive system of the enterprise.
But I do think there are flaws in the western system of relying so heavily on Incentive systems.
And detailed analysis, the main within the system, information, incentive and restrictive mechanism.
In terms of material incentive, it proposes to set up a scientific and reasonable compensation system.
在物质激励方面, 提出建立科学合理的薪酬体系。
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单词 incentive system 释义

  • 单词释义:激励制度,计件奖励制度  [更多..]



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