单词 wail 例句大全,用单词wail造句:

Should we easily wail about the embarrassment and the unfairness of life
Wail like a virgin girded with sackcloth For the bridegroom of her youth.
珥18我的民哪, 你当哀号, 像处女腰束麻布, 为幼年的丈夫哀号。
The breath went out of her in a wail, her body shook with violent sobbing.
她恸哭失声, 整个身子都随着剧烈的抽泣发起抖来。
Yell louder, wench, shriek, wail, but it will not dull the voice of truth.
RSV Gird on sackcloth and lament, O priests, wail, O ministers of the altar.
现代中文在祭坛事奉的祭司们啊, 要穿麻衣痛哭!
when you facing difficult position time, you may sob dejectedly or wail, may.
Just permit the dime that she so shrinks in the carriage, allow her to so wail.
只是任她那么缩在马车的一角, 任她那么哭着。
I will weep and wail for the mountains and a lament concerning the desert pastures.
His sister, conscious of having been robbed of something, had set up a feeble wail.
Run approximately, the woods inside suddenly spreads to wail because assist of voice.
行走间, 密林里忽地传出呼救的声音。
Want to cry and then heartily wail and stop worrying, will sneer at you at no 1 of family!
Drivers honked their horns, and factories sounded their sirens in a collective wail of agony.
With a wail the Queen cast herself down and began to weep and to beat her hands on the stones.
Bridge bubble resembles the woman that fall into water over, acedia wail is crying, struggling.
Here, we wish heartily to wide readership, author Wail of the foot of mountain stews good luck!
在此, 我们向广大读者, 作者衷心地祝愿新春快乐, 万事如意!
Hearing the wail of one lonely wild goose, he suddenly sensed a thrill of desolation in his heart.
孤雁哀鸣, 他心中也一阵凄凉。
The building is versed in sad wail a long time, gradually voice is small, give out happy laugh.
Of wail aloud, younger brother thinner small than the benefits body fore the noodles is chased by him.
的呼号, 弟弟比利的瘦小身子在前面被他追赶。
After all, you dont tune into a highbrow classical music station to hear Kyli Minoch wail la la la now, do you
Fan Qiliang was conscripted to build the Great Wall. After he died building it, Lady Meng Jiang came to wail upon it.

单词 wail 释义

  • 单词释义:n.悲叹,哀号,痛快;vi.悲叹,哀号,嚎啕;vt.悲痛(某人的悲惨遭遇)  [更多..]



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