单词 warrior 例句大全,用单词warrior造句:

Warrior assigned to defend Heigm Castle. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.
This warrior arrives toa hospital, the nurse takes him to a bedside of old man.
这位战士赶到医院, 护士把他带到一个老头的床边。
The wind brave warrior and being close to of north vapor warrior shoot picture!
In the Berserker Stance the warrior gains all his rage from the damage he deals.
The Doctrine of the Mean and the Conflicts and Acculturation in The Woman Warrior
Empire selected as a warrior, you awake to defeat the fiendish, save the mainland.
The mao ge, bow and arrow, short sword and dagger formed a set of warrior s weapons.
A volcano eruption brings an ancient warrior to Bikini Bottom with dire predictions.
由于火山爆发, 一位古代勇士带来了可怕的预言。
the valiant warrior kings,with head and hands boldly uplifted in the sight of heaven
Brief Comment on the Warrior Group of Qiao Pei at the End of the Eastern Han Dynasty
The profile of the old warrior was characterized by a strong jaw and an aquiline nose.
the valiant warrior kings, with head and hands boldly uplifted in the sight of heaven.
Gerk Slaygrim was the strongest and bravest warrior in Rockfall, a horde of the savage.
Any warrior who can fight with speed and accuracy, should be able to dance grace as well.
一个精准, 快速, 善战的勇者, 必然也能优雅地起舞。
Aztec warrior armoured with padded armour, a chimalli shield and armed with a maquahuitl club.
The a sari military resembles a collection of tribal warrior bands with no national structure.
Achilles, my master, thinks of me as a warrior whose skills on the battlefield are unequalled.
Aquamarine Pendant of the Warrior Gives 15 additional stamina to nearby party members for 30 min.
The Doctrine of the Mean and the Conflicts and Acculturation in The Woman Warrior and The Joy Luck Club
Some warrior figures are carrying bronze swords, some holding catapults, bows and arrows and long spears.
Henriette saw the weaving figure of an Apache warrior reel nakedly on a pony and rush by with a rifle raised.
Republicans nominated an old warrior with a record of making hard decisions and absorbing the blows that ensue.
National Class warrior, national martial arts coaches and referees, the sixth paragraph of Sanshou Dao Black Belt.
After necrosis of the Wu worked properly a warrior to cut up rough in the meantime, three hurtled to come over toward me attach.
身后的亡灵战士同时愤怒了, 三个一起朝着我冲了过来。
Luyou wrote in the A Long Song:"The warrior's too old to avenge the disgrace of his nation,as the sword at night vainly voices its ambition."

单词 warrior 释义

  • 单词释义:武士,勇士;军人;鼓吹战争的人  [更多..]



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