单词 wartime 例句大全,用单词wartime造句:

Then wartime pressures forced him to skip his annual vacation for several years.
后来, 战争迫使他连续几年放弃了每年的休假。
In wartime, it is flying on military intelligence, combat command powerful tool.
There the system of wartime price controls was challenged on delegation grounds.
The trial of traitor cases at wartime had high efficiency and severe publishment.
A simple research of rapid wartime mobilization in biulding backside field hospitals
Because it was wartime , the British. 303 rifle was just all over the whole country.
因为是在战争年代, 英式。303来复枪遍布整个国家。
The wartime cabinet first recruited men into the forces from nonessential industries.
In wartime, patriotic songs and slogans help unite citizens in support of their country.
And CocaCola managed to make itself one of the most widely distributed products of wartime.
In wartime, officers in active service shall also be replenished with the following personnel
在战时, 现役军官还由下列人员补充
Problems in Exploring the Diplomatic Historical and Cultural Resources of the Wartime Capital
During wartime, the Barn Dance hit the road and performed at several state fairs around the Midwest.
Declaration of St. Petersburg to the effect of prohibiting the use of certain projectiles in wartime
An aircraft spotter, ie one who looks for and identifies different types of aircraft, esp in wartime.
In wartime, we humans think about bomb shelters, slit trenches, and foxholes as ways to save ourselves.
在战时, 我们人类思考防空洞, 缝战壕和散兵坑的办法自救。
Cultivation was one of the important means in the replenishment of Song's army during the wartime with Xixia.
The time during which troops carry out marshal LAW missions or handle emergency violence is considered wartime.
Those who commit the crimes mentioned in the preceding paragraph in wartime shall be sentenced to not less than five years in prison.
战时犯前款罪的, 处五年以上有期徒刑
Conclusion It is very easy to operate and suitable to puncture drainage for intracranial hematoma surgery in both peacetime and wartime.
Those who inflict injuries on themselves to eschew military duties in wartime shall be sentenced to not more than three years in prison.
integrated logistic support system for the three armed services, for both military and civilian purposes and for both peacetime and wartime
Constructing military medical subjects is important part of modernization of logistics in army, and its quality affected wartime medical support.
In many respects the wartime alliance between Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States had been brought about by the need to fight Nazi Germany.
二战时, 出于对抗纳粹德国的需要, 美英苏三国结成战时同盟。
The system will be further developed into one that integrates the three armed services, unites the army with the people, and combines peacetime and wartime footing
Those who commit the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph in wartime shall be sentenced to not less than three years and not more than seven years in prison.

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