单词 warmth 例句大全,用单词warmth造句:

It'seems to voice channels for asas there is warmth wherever, he would be going.
看来为了争取发声管道, 只要哪里有温暖, 他就往哪里走。
Almost in the same instant a blissful, healing warmth spread all through his body.
Let the warmth of understanding and the awareness of your worth thaw your emotions.
He was enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun and the prospect of catching a fish.
人惬意地享受午后阳光, 等着鱼儿咬钩。
The lush white coat of the arctic fox provides both warmth and camouflage in winter.
They prolong the absurd reasoning by giving it a specific attitude and their warmth.
The general conduit that use bazoo gives oxygen, oxygen should warmth is wet change.
一般用鼻导管给氧, 氧气应温暖湿化。
Id huddle and meditate on the warmth, the actual warmth of God, to obviate the cold.
This small shop with an atmosphere of redouBled warmth always makes you feel at home.
本店虽小, 温馨倍至, 宾至如归。
But starting in the fall, the warmth is felt inside you more and more, it comes alive.
Comfort of white goose down bedding for guests a home away from home in general warmth.
That familiar warmth, looks like the angel the wing, has delimited on my boundless heart.
May this Valentine bless us cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine's Day Honey!
Please be assured that the beginning of Thanksgiving from the heart, the warmth of human love.
请相信感恩从心开始, 爱温暖人间。
Eiderdown Bedclothes, good in quality and light in weight, have good warmth retention property.
When they can no longer enjoy the warmth of kinship, would they still advocate personal freedom?
There is warmth and love everywhere on this planet. May the joys of love always stay in everyone!
I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my petals!
我要享受和煦的阳光的亲吻, 我要体味晨露的祝福!
But the hearts that love will know, never winter's frost and chill, summer's warmth is in them still.
It creates a tingling sensation in your fingertips, a flutter in your heart and warmth in your belly.
它使你指尖发麻, 心头乱跳, 胃里一暖。
Below this point of arrival and shelter the offset rhythm and warmth of the bronze wall reveals itself.
Two magical elements are associated with the symbolism of this colour fire and blood, implying warmth and life for mankind.
二个非常神奇的元素火与血, 意味着温暖和人类的生命。
My daughter has also brought more warmth into our family, and my husband has recently begun to practice the Convenient Method.
Chak thick winter advisability of using either quality, detailed flannel, heavy warm color to highlight thick Federated warmth.
It describes the lead-gray sky pressing down upon us. It describes the fire smoldering in the hearth, mysteriously seeming to suck every bit of warmth out of the bleak, dank room.

单词 warmth 释义

  • 单词释义:温暖,暖和;热情,热心;激动;诚恳  [更多..]



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