单词 we 例句大全,用单词we造句:

we're here, aren't we? We're here.
我们来了 不是吗?我们来了
We dance, we kiss, we sing, we just goof around.
我们跳舞,亲吻,歌唱 我们追逐打闹
We'll appeal. We'll sue the agency if we have to.
of how we think we're special because we're alive.
We repent, we abjure, we will break from our chain.
我们忏悔, 弃绝, 要把锁链打破。
We're helping. We're doing better. We're doing good.
我们正在努力 我们正在进步
We arm ourselves, we set perimeters, we stand guard.
我们武装自己, 我们设置警戒线, 我们站岗放哨。
We have to accept that we have done everything we can.
We angry when we encountered, but we parted with smile.
我们偶然相遇时怒目相对, 但分手时面带笑容。
When we assert we can, we mean that politically we can.
We not only wonder, we marvel, we get jealous, we gawk.
我们不仅怀疑, 我们惊讶, 妒忌, 发呆。
We just have to admit that we're nervous d we're awkward.
We all laugh. We all hurt. We all make mistakes all dream.
我们有欢笑, 我们会受伤害, 我们都会犯错。
We pray together, we tremble together, and we fall asleep.
我们俩一同害怕, 一同祈祷, 也就一同睡去了。
And you know, we love Grandma and we love Uncle Joe. We do.
If we catch them cheating, We assume we know their reasons.
如果我们发现他们偷吃 我们知道,其中有隐情。
We need air when we are asleep as well as when we are awake.
我们不仅在醒着的时候需要空气, 在睡着的时候也需要空气。
I agree. Here we are talking about ads we've seen, aren't we?
我同意。我们来谈论一下我们看到过得广告,好 吗
We were as happy as we were poor, or as poor as we were happy.
So we stayed homeand we ate cookie dough and we rented carrie.
If we eat more, we become fat. If we eat less, we become thin.
而吃多了就会长胖, 吃得少, 不足够, 人就会瘦了下来。
We don't fool around, we don't rehearse, we shoot what we get!
我们不做假,也不排练 拍了就完了!
We laughed, we drank, we ate a great deal at that supper party.
在吃夜宵的时候, 大家嬉笑玩乐, 狂饮大嚼。
If we cannot get what we like, we have to like what we can get.
We used to think we're alone in this, but now we know we're not.

单词 we 释义

  • 单词释义:我们,咱们;笔者,本人;朕;人们  [更多..]



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