单词 vt 例句大全,用单词vt造句:

Deborah counseled Gail to be really sure she was doing the right thing. counsel vt.
一听到这个消息, 她就放声大哭起来。
Do not underestimate you ability everyone has unlimited potential. underestimate vt.
Print vt make letters, pictures, ect on paper by pressing an inked surface against it.
印刷, 印字母或图画在纸上。
vt. operate manipulate It is difficult to run the new camera if you do not read the instructions.
To download VT Trader, simply click the image above and save the installation file to your computer.
A device or token especially of membership in a society or group chevron badge caisson cart badger vt.
New Words medium n. exchange v., n. load n. accept vt. realistic adj. grocery n. business n. confident adj.
After a short stay in Switzerland, the family moved to the United States, settling in the hamlet of Cavendish, Vt.
在他乘机前往法兰克福时, 他身上穿戴着这两件衣物。
When I was the kid there was no VT, no IPod, no Cell phone, no KTV, what we had was just the familys togetherness, simple and warm feelings.
一起做年饭, 不只是干活, 其实是一家人借口互相交流的机会。
Cardiac Electrophysiology Service, University of Minnesota Medical Center Topic Can catheter ablation of VT replace ICD implantation in normal cardiac structure patients.

单词 vt 释义

  • 单词释义:velocity 速度;variable transmission 变速传动;vinyl tiling 乙烯地板砖;vinyl tile 乙烯地板砖  [更多..]



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