单词 volley 例句大全,用单词volley造句:

Our militia fired off volley after volley from antiaircraft artillery.
the rapidly escalating and darkening volley of nasty political bitchery
He often ran off with somebody else's fare, followed by a volley of curses.
有许多次, 他抢上买卖就跑, 背后跟着一片骂声。
And it gives you that forehand volley up the middle to poach on my returns.
Monica Seles returns a volley from Silvija Talaja during their match Wednesday.
After lunch, Phil, Nick and their friends like to play volley ball on the beach.
午饭后, 菲尔, 尼克和他们的朋友们喜欢在海滩上打排球。
A volley of enquiries greeted the prime minister at this morning's question time.
If hit with a precise proton torpedo volley, the entire station could be destroyed.
只要有一枚质子炮准确地击中它, 整个基地都会爆炸。
We played a reflex volley game where the first person to accumulate 10 points loses.
我们打网前反弹球, 哪个人先输10分就输了。
He forces opposite party in the 75 th minute time volley shot Bert from going wrong.
The center forward kicked the ball on the volley, and it flew into the back of the net.
中锋凌空一脚, 球便飞入网底。
It is a simple Volley Ball game between two players trying to hit the ball over the net.
Well done! It never ceases to amaze me how persuasive a volley of Arcane Missiles can be.
The 22 nd minute, the Salihamijiqi periphery volley shot is assisted by Ye the confiscation.
Too along the cliff, like a volley Gallery Pavilion, it has brought into sharper focus known.
Or it could be a tennis player chasing down a volley during the final game of a classic match.
This and other folk remedies are sparking a volley of discussion on blogs and bulletin boards.
Juggernaughts firing 1 independent volley of shots can make short work of even scattered units.
Mage Spell Noxious Breath will no longer cause Arcane Missiles to only damage on the first volley.
In the first minute of the secondhalf Terry was fractionally wide with a lunging volley at Duffs freekick.
下半场开场一分钟, 达夫开出任意球, 特里垫射稍稍偏出。
Figure sitting in the cupboard, said color screen, screen stays with the characters that props volley drift.
在色柜上坐立的人物称屏, 屏以道具凌空撑的人物称飘。
Although Luocheng had an illustrious life, he was shot dead in a horse pit by a volley of arrows fired by Sulie.
The captains politeness could restrain him no longer, and he and Osborne fired off a ringing volley of laughter.
I didnt really didnt really stick out to me. But I think that dive volley saved his life there on that occasion.
There was a volley of warning shots over the heads of the crowd, then another volley, this time in real earnest!

单词 volley 释义

  • 单词释义:(箭、子弹、枪、炮、等)群射,齐射;(质问,咒骂等的)迸发  [更多..]



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