单词 vogue 例句大全,用单词vogue造句:

A girl leisure shoe, new style in vogue, the gold color sunlight loves dearly.
一款女生休闲鞋, 时尚新款, 金色阳光的眷恋。
And the grace pattern brings more vogue and energy for our daily work and life.
vino vogue many people are not very familiar with romanian wine. do you know why
酒尚很多人都不太了解罗马尼亚葡萄酒, 这是源于何因?
Railroad station reading is as much in vogue as railroad station bolting of meals.
Womens fashions change rapidly what is in style today may be out of vogue tomorrow.
The white leather, the simple style, constitute the elegant appearance of the vogue.
The multicolored vogue candy flower appropriation creation material imports the candy
We are not in frontline of vogue, and we are not interested in the DINK family style.
我们不在时尚的前线上, 对丁克家庭不感兴趣。
The small lovely house of the multicolored vogue candy flower pet state of mind series
Suffer the effect of 80 time vogue restoring ancient ways, cusp shoe also steam again.
Engraving printing is in vogue for a time from its being invented to the Song Dynasty.
In many parts of the country, squirrel has never gone out of vogue in the local cuisine.
But the most occurring mechanism to escape freedom is, being everywhere in vogue, conformism.
Of the Covergirl commercial, Vogue Italia shoot and runway show, which did you enjoy the most?
At the moment, you are in favour, but, believe me, when you are no longer in vogue, I will be.
Checkoncheck ensembles were very much in vogue, while fresh takes on gingham were also very popular.
The vitreous armrest stair of concise vogue, from deft and clean in oozy and contemporary succinct.
Visible at that time, contend for effect bookman, furniture of snap up fine wood also is one of vogue.
At present, the cloth of Enhe Russia national minority has a convenient and vogue type as development trend.
目前, 恩和屯俄罗斯族服饰呈现轻便型和时尚型发展趋势。
In addition, haloid lamp makes the metal salon and first selection of vogue of exhibition hall illuminative.
Appearance vogue, chapter show individual character, enclosed mention strap, but do use car the beverage holder.
外观时尚, 章显个性, 附提绳, 可做汽车杯架使用。
A Brief Discussion on the Vogue Cause of Making Friends and Exchanging Poems of the Adherent Poets of the Song Dynasty
A Secondary Research on the Vogue Cause of Making Friends and Exchanging Poems of the Adherent Poets in the Song Dynasty
Li Bais cultural orientation reflects the time spirit and vogue of the scholarsbureaucrats of the flourishing Tang Dynasty.
矗立在时尚前沿的三亚, 牵动全世界的目光。
A major goal of the module was to make learning fun and avoid the heavy, boring didactic teaching which is in vogue in most of South Asia.

单词 vogue 释义

  • 单词释义:时尚,流行;时髦的事物  [更多..]



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