单词 warmer 例句大全,用单词warmer造句:

The average winter temperature in London is only about 0o C warmer than Glasgow.
One mood friendship is actually by no means warmer than the friendship pities calmly.
The occurred intermediate links of diabetes lie in dysfunction of Qi in triple warmer.
The Sun began to smile and as it grewand warmer, the traveler was comfortable once more.
The incipient lethal temperature are shifted upward by acclimation to warmer temperature.
The atmosphere of the earth becomes thinner and the planet becomes much warmer than before.
大气层越来越稀薄, 地球也变得越来越暧。
Her smile grew warmer, her manner of clothing more stylish, and she became graceful. Janice
她笑容可亲, 服装得宜, 气质高雅
that the planet is getting warmer, when that's actually contrary to most people's sensations.
Because of his bad performance, he became a bench warmer for the rest of the basketball season.
So it is necessary to develop an instrument that fits to research warmer permafrost ice content.
Advocates of warmer temperatures extract colour, flavour and body through heat as well as alcohol.
When the stopcock is opened, water flows from the top of the warmer column into the colder column.
It's warmer this year than last. As a result, the white magnolia was in full bloom at an earlier time.
Its warmer this year than last. As a result, the white magnolia was in full bloom at an earlier time.
By the time the snowflakes reach the lower and warmer parts of the cloud, they melt and form raindrops.
With warmer spring weather, the leaf buds unfold and flower buds begin to grow on the ends of the twigs.
春天与温暖天气, 开展芽, 叶花芽就开始成长的树枝两端。
The bath should be warmer than 100 degrees Fahrenheit and you should be in it for longer than 18 minutes.
The Yang Gan Tui Huang Wan regulating the middle warmer doctor treat chronic severe hepatitis 100 example
It favours sandy soils in the warmer, eastern parts of the continent, where it may grow up to 15 metres in height.
它喜欢沙质土壤, 在温暖的非洲东部可以长到15米高。
This insolubly insulated glass will make the insider inside of the building cooler in summer and warmer in winter.
Along the front, the warmer and lighter air will then ride on top of cooler air, resulting in rain and thunderstorms.
When I was little, I always slept at the end of the kang while mother slept at the warmer end, because she was less able to bear cold than I.
On the afternoon of the day to make offerings to the kitchen god, a gusty east wind blew dark clouds over the sky and it suddenly turned warmer.
The results indicate that the climate in the Early Holocene was colder and drier, Middle Holocene was warmer and wet and Late Holocene was dry and cold.
晚全新世植被为干草原, 气候寒冷。
It's possible, for instance, that in a warmer world hurricanes might tank up with a lot more rain, which would greatly increase the damage caused by flooding.

单词 warmer 释义

  • 单词释义:n.使热的人,温热装置  [更多..]



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