Wen was due to attend a ceremony at a school before visiting the famed Shwedagon pagoda.
温家宝将出席一所学校的仪式, 然后参观著名的大金塔。
Xiao Xiong Wen in 1985 and graduated from Huazhong University and Industrial Automation.
The Nocturne in folding Liu Wen, who can not afford to occupy the original site conditions.
They convert to King Wen is exactly because King Wen meet the requirements of their ideals.
Neves agreed to the views and proposals of Wen Jiabao on relations between the two countries.
The four directions causes that affect Wen Yiduos politic chosen has been analysed in this text.
Our mutual investment is in the ascendant and has brought rich benefits to both sides, Wen said.
The Manjusri Bodhisattva full name is wen shu shi li, representing wisdom and auspicious meaning.
Will immerse with Wen Shui after Gan Gongzao is abluent, pignut is boiled slightly, flay reserves.
将干红枣洗净后用温水浸泡, 花生米略煮, 去皮备用。
Court decision defendant Mr. Wen will unearth underground backfill, restores the original condition.
法院判决被告闻先生将所挖掘的地下一层回填, 恢复原状。
Discern artificially the content discretion of formaldehyde, pass Wen Yiwen only pungent will decide.
人工辨别甲醛的含量高低, 只有通过闻一闻是否刺鼻来判定。
She said two trucks arrived Wednesday and carried away bodies shortly before Wen arrived his inspection.
她说周三温总理来检查之前有两辆卡车开来, 运走了尸体。
Introduction to the modification of terms are too gorgeous, then cover up the central theme of the Wen Wen!
When the prince, afterwards duke Wen of Teng, had to go to Chu, he went by way of Song, and visited Mencius.
滕文公为世子, 将之楚, 过宋而见孟子。
Xie Wen judges exposition argumentation, internet history is not long, whitman is one of delegate characters.
After Emperor Wen, the system of granting homestead had basically stopped since the beginning of Han Dynasty.
文帝以后, 基本放弃了汉初以来的名田宅制度。
The computer had risen from the ashes of this incident while Wen Xiang had fallen into a deep chasm of misery.
电脑在这次事件中浴火重生了, 文祥却陷入了痛苦的深渊。
Literary Aesthetic Characteristics Comparison between Emperor Wen and Yang, Southern and Northern or Sui Dynasty
Liu Xie, a Chinese literary critic, was the author of WEN XIN DIAO LONG, a comprehensive work on literary theory.
Thank Premire Wen for coming to the podium and thank you for i the differences, especially on the boundary issues?
Liu Bei lost no time in telling his brothers the story of King Wen bent on visiting one of his subjects called Jiang Ziya.
To Unravel Mysteries of the Stratages to Branch Countries and Weaken Kingdoms in the Period of Emperior Wen and Emperior Jing
Grind extremely delicate last stage, move apply face to go up with albumen every night, lie between a day to obliterate with Wen Shui in the morning.
研极细末, 每晚以蛋白调敷脸上, 隔天早上以温水擦去。
As Emperor Wen of the Zhou Dynasty adopted virtuous policies rule his country, all the small neighboring countries came to him and pledged allegiance to his country.
周文王以德治天下, 四方的小国都来归服。
It is good to be fond of asking. If one asks randomly without thinking, even if he can get a correct answer, he will not benefit much from it. So in the word"Xuewen"(knowledge),"asking"(Wen) is placed after"learning"(Xue).