单词 voyage 例句大全,用单词voyage造句:

The Huihui inherited the voyage technique of Arab and Persian in Yuan Dynasty.
But omitted all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.
When we returned from New Zealand, the voyage was lengthened by baffling winds.
In the story, a huge ship set out on her first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.
They attributed the damage to the effect of dampness during the long sea voyage.
They attributed the damage to the effects of dampness during the long sea voyage.
I'd like to inquire about a book. Do you have The Voyage of the Beagle by Darwin ?
and winds averaging about 40 knots for most of the voyage and up to 70 or 78 knots.
大多数航程 能达到40海里 甚至高达70到80海里。
Many difficulties and dangers attended upon his singlehanded voyage round the world.
As soon as the bell rang, the captain gave orders to cast off, and the voyage began.
铃一响, 船长下令解缆绳, 航行就开始了。
The voyage, from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean, took place in December of1999.
Besides, the cruise have no responsibility to change the voyage or anchor at any port.
It was also agreed that he would be allowed to retire from the voyage whenever he liked.
他们还同意只要达尔文本人喜欢, 他可以随时退出航行。
The accident is attributable to the effects of the wet weather during the long sea voyage.
Ralph, though married, and having one child, had determined to accompany me in this voyage.
劳夫虽然已经结婚, 并且育有一个孩子, 但他决定和我同行。
Strong head winds and storms forced them abandon the northeast voyage they had been assigned.
强风及暴风雨, 迫使他们放弃当初声称要往东北探险的航程。
See huge space stations and magnificent battleships on a voyage to conquer new civilizations.
International Association of Independent Tanker Owners Tanker Consecutive Voyage Charter Party
We are waiting for the transshipment containers from the feeder barge being loaded to this voyage.
On the Issues Arising from the Incorporation of Arbitration Clause under Voyage CP into Lading Bill
Thank you for coming here this moring to commemorate the first balloon voyage in the United States.
Study on Seasonal Model of Time Charter and Voyage Charter in International Dry Bulk Transportation
This bit by bit, gather into a Zuozuo beacon of light illuminating the vessel forward of the voyage.
这点点滴滴, 聚成座座灯塔, 照亮船只前进的航程。
He had spent eighteen years in planning for that wonderful voyage which he made across the Atlantic Ocean.
Tourist who has effective cruise tickets has the right to take the assigned voyage specified on the ticket.

单词 voyage 释义

  • 单词释义:航行,航海;航天  [更多..]



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