单词 wastage 例句大全,用单词wastage造句:

Staff must use Staff Locker Room facilities with care and without wastage.
British universities have very little wastage and their graduates are good.
The calculation and analysis of creep friction power wastage in belt transmission
The Government is to blame for this very serious wastage of talent among the young.
青年人才的浪费现象十分严重, 对此政府应负责任。
The matter of the body is continually changing by process of nutriment and wastage.
When you reckon up the wastage of female staff through marriage, its quite a total.
如果计算一下由于结婚而流失的女职员, 数目可不小。
Spoilage Waste incurred during the printing or binding processes.Also called Wastage.
Wastage Waste incurred during the printing or binding processes. Also calledSpoilage.
And we can hold the government more accountable by analyzing its spending and wastage.
Spoilage Waste incurred during the printing or binding processes. Also called Wastage.
Will environmental taxes cause you to reduce using plastic bags or mitigate the wastage.
Make suggestions to the Rest Manager as to ways of increasing sales and reducing wastage.
向餐厅经理提出关于提高销售量, 减少消耗的建议。
Make suggestions to the Rest supervisor as to ways of increasing sales and reducing wastage.
向餐厅主管提出关于提高销售量, 减少消耗的建议。
There is much wastage in distributing that electricity due to poor maintenance and management.
由于维护和管理不善, 在电能配送环节也存在巨大浪费。
There is no water or electricity wastage when an aerosol can leaks and contaminates tank water.
Make suggestions to the Asst. Rest Manager as to ways of increasing sales and reducing wastage.
向餐厅副经理提出关于提高销售量, 减少消耗的建议。
Physical constitution and performance of cement gelatin with high volume flyash and slag wastage
Extravagance and wastage are generally results of peoples appetites for enjoyment and indulgence.
From the conversation of energy and mass, the thesis had introduced the numeration of the energy wastage.
Divided into meal system dishes and a staple of quantitative from person to person, you can reduce wastage.
Monitors energy efficiency of all equipment makes recommendations and advises for energy saving to reduce wastage.
The carrying over of a psychological problem does not resolve the problem. It is a wastage of energy and the spirit.
拖延不会解决心理问题, 那是能量和精神的浪费。
JAZZ assists you in linen and uniform management in which help to reduce wastage and improve the efficiency of your Housekeeping.
For optimal toner milling and classification, MALPS provides particle sizing solutions that help take process wastage to an all time low.

单词 wastage 释义

  • 单词释义:消耗;废物;浪费(量);(冰、雪的)消融  [更多..]



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