单词 tone 例句大全,用单词tone造句:

The Tone Feature and the Tune Metre of the Chinese Characters of Rising Tone in Kun Qu
Absence of the tone tells the operator that there is at least one idle trunk in a group.
Research on Adjustment of Speech Velocity, Volume and Tone in Chinese Speech Recognition
The President delivers an inaugural address, setting the tone for the new administration.
And a touch of femininity, such as a bow headband can be added to tone down the masculinity.
Nothing can reproduce the sombre and kindly melancholy of tone which accompanied these words.
Because this is a kind of incomplete absorption, so entering tone rhyme may not form of sound.
Qing Palace angle after the second tone often sound location, abundant expression of the song.
Qing Palace angle after the second tone often sound location, abundant expression of the song.
However, you can take a slightly higher than the actual concentration of tone as compensation.
但是, 你可以拔取比本质给稍浓的色调作为赔偿。
The variation of tone caused by the light sound is the only form of tone variation in this dialect.
Stems from 05 stories,is accompanying the small capital affective tone,is clamping the trifle youth.
The Study on the Tone Category of the Ancient Entering Tone Words in Henan Dialect and Common Speech
Only the Qu tone in Longchuan Sidu dialect compounds of two characters does not exhibit tone sandhi.
A picture's dead air, ragged acting and extreme shifts of emotional tone throw the viewer off balance.
The main distribution of tone pattern shows the steady and variable parts in each tone of Harbin dialect.
Missing the timing or tone on many notes by a small amount will not accumulate into a total match failure.
British English use more falling and rising tone and emphasize the habit of tone falling before tone rising.
英国英语更多使用降升调, 强调欲升先降。
The desolate sands was a little bit acclivitous towards the plain, the tone was firm and persistent and austere.
This translucent finishing powder adjusts to any skin tone while minimizing the appearance of pores and fine lines.
A deep sonorous tone and a weight reduction of 18 kg are additional benefits of this stainless steel exhaust system.
Such womanmercenary spirit has odd but the affective tone insufficient, the affective tone insufficiency then is insipid.
这样的女人铜臭有余而情调不足, 情调不足则索然无味。
A Keynote speech is to outline the subjects to be addressed by other speakers at an event, and to establish the tone of a meeting or program.
The approved vessel uses a one-second computer-generated tone to summon him, but the tone will be discarded when Keiko finally swims off with a pod.
The newspaper columnist ' Dear Abby ' also has a wicked wit, and a glint in her eye as she sometimes advises people with the tone ' don't take yourself too seriously'.

单词 tone 释义

  • 单词释义:语调;风格;气氛;音色;色调;(皮肤)柔韧;声音信号  [更多..]



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