单词 transcript 例句大全,用单词transcript造句:

To apply for Academic degree Examination, one copy of transcript of annual academic year is required.
Have you enclosed copies of transcript, certificate and course syllabus for application for exemption
如你申请豁免修读, 是否已附上成绩表, 证书及课程网要副本
Disciple Hai Ying did the recording and the transcription. I had reviewed and revised the transcript.
The Pentagon has said it will release an edited transcript of each hearing some days after it is held.
I have sent you the certificates of my academic degree and graduation to you, together with the transcript.
A transcript of his comments at the China Development Forum was posted on the Web site of the China Economic Daily.
The deliberations shall be recorded in writing, and the transcript shall be signed by the members of the collegial panel.
评议应当制作笔录, 由合议庭成员签名。
A transcript of the documents, assembled by congressional investigators and reviewed by Dow Jones Newswires, indicates Mr.
This transcript must bear the stamp of your university and the name and signature of the Registrar of another authorized person.
The applicant cannot be considered for admission without an official transcript of academic records submitted by your university.
Any revision of an inquiry transcript shall be confirmed by the inquired parties, with their seals or fingerprints affixed thereto.

单词 transcript 释义

  • 单词释义:抄本;誊本;打印本;学生成绩报告单  [更多..]



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