单词 toast 例句大全,用单词toast造句:

Please meet me at my place afterwards to toast the best summer of my life.
There he hopes to toast his 13th wedding anniversary with his wife, Pamela.
The subtlety of Bohea Lapsang makes cheaper versions taste like burnt toast.
正山小种的精妙, 使得便宜的茶叶品尝起来如同烤焦的面包。
These soups should be allocated two or three of the toast with food coloring.
Aromas of candied violets and cassis are wrapped around creamy vanilla toast.
BREAKFAST One slice dry wheat toast, twoinch wedge of c antelope, black coffee.
早餐一片小麦干面包, 两寸长的甜瓜, 一杯黑咖啡。
Sure, i'd like a pineapple juice, also, a boiled egg and tea and toast, please.
可以, 我要一杯菠萝汁, 一个水煮蛋, 土司和茶。
The toast of the Chinese team was defender Liu Ailing, she scored all the goals.
He's eaten three hamburgers and two plates of noodles, asas six pieces of toast.
Stuart dipped a piece of toast into the soft yolk of his egg and ate in silence.
Aroma of the toast with notes of clove, liquorice and coffee. Light taste of vanilla.
May I propose a toast to the health of His Excellency the Ambassador and Madame Smith ?
Spread bilberry jam on your morning toast. Or take a bilberry supplement every morning.
When propose a toast, a soldier asperses beer not carefully to the general's bareheaded.
Stem, the leadership face wreathed in smilesly carry wine cup to arrive next toast go to.
Just toast corners of cookies, immediately attracted a group of small sparrows to eating.
The mix of blackberry, black cherry, anise, sage and toast make this a most inviting wine.
黑莓, 黑樱桃, 茴芹, 鼠尾草及土司的混合芳香令此酒颇具魅力。
I started my day with a substantial breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, orange juice, and milk.
If you like, you could also toast the almond slices a bit. The taste would be very different!
如果你不怕烦, 可以把杏仁烤一烤, 味道会不一样的噢!
On Earth, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are found on burnt toast and in automobile exhaust.
Toast whole wheat bread, slather with almond butter or peanut butter, and then sprinkle flaxseeds on top.
Toast the almonds in a mediumsize nonstick skillet over mediumhigh heat for 6 minutes and set them aside.
At the close of the year, may I ask you to join me in a toast to greater business achievements in the new year.
Displays a beautiful toast aroma on the nose with hints of apple, melon and citrus fruit, with a wellbalanced weight and fullness.
On this warm occasion, I wonder whether my wishes can reach you.In the distance let me drink a toast for you with my best wishes. May happy returns of your birthday.

单词 toast 释义

  • 单词释义:吐司;干杯;深受推崇的人  [更多..]



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