单词 tragic 例句大全,用单词tragic造句:

On the Tragic Origin of Poetry about Abandoned Wives in the Qin and Han Dynasties
It would be a tragic mistake if the promises of increased aid were not delivered.
This essay has tried to analyze the notions of tragic characters since Aristotle.
The workers here often endure tragic sexual abuse at the hands of their customers.
在这里工作的人 通常都要忍受客人们残忍的性虐待
The aircraft and Audi bump against each other whom to take a look at more tragic ?
It was a tragic period in which much of the population had been deported to Babylon.
The tragic colour in the book of history as seen from reading biography of General Li
This thesis, through penetrating into texts, researches tragic aesthetic characteristic.
Chapter One analyzes the relationship between Qiu Hu and the tragic environment The Wild.
Next, from the negative side argues that Chollima Bole encountered when the tragic events.
Aristotle's theories of tragic plot is the generalization of the ancient Greek tragic art.
Each and every one of these deaths is tragic, and we have to brace ourselves to see more.
At the tragic news of her husband's death, Mrs Sandoval's mind was bedimmed with great sorrow.
得知丈夫亡故的噩耗时, 桑多瓦尔太太悲恸得神思恍惚。
On the inner delay as aesthetical characteristics of the tragic spirit in the western literature
The Tragic Glamour of Jude the Obscure Analyzed from the Point of View of Psychological Distance
And I suppose I'm arguing that we should learn a little bit about what's happening in tragic art.
我想说的是或许我们该从 悲剧艺术中学习
The woman is besieged by conflagration the barbecue has been forcedly very tragic in the balcony.
I divide it into the aesthetics of moving and tragic and the aesthetics of neutral and harmonious.
A Grievous Beauty Chanter Lu Yin Trial analysis the tragic content in the stories written by Lu Yin
The result is tragic, measured out in slammed doors, binge drinking sessions and underage pregnancies.
But to me, what's most baffling and most tragic about this is that it misses the whole point of being human.
对我来说 最大的悲剧是 它让我们错失了身为人的珍贵意义
My eyes filled with desire to flame, burning too hot heart, the figure stands as a tragic landscape of desolation.
Accordingly, the tragic consciousness of Xiao Hong embodies her love and her anxiety for the sufferings of the human being.
The only time in 13 years that he came home from work without a great big smile on his face was the day a co-worker died in a tragic auto accident.
It is a tragic love story about black Americans along the coast of South Carolina. Porgy And Bess opened in Boston, Massachusetts, in nineteen thirtyfive.

单词 tragic 释义



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