Duplicate the layer. from filter menu select liquify. Select pucker tool from the tool bar.
Cre ate a new layer, then use the Rect angular Marquee Tool to fill a selection with bl ack.
创建一个新层, 然后使用矩形选框工具来填充黑色选择。
The demand cutting tool and machine tool for dry cutting are analyzed and studied this paper.
Speed up developing the key components for CNC machine tool to industrialize CNC machine tool
The product is applied to cylinder, oil cylinder, absorber and lead rail of machine tool, etc.
The tool wearing process and the selecting principles of blunt tool criterions are researched.
Underwater acoustic communication technology is the primer tool to study and develop the ocean.
Provide engineering assistance to the tool crib and tool room in the toolingfixture manufacture.
Grindingcutter, reamer, disc tool, gear shaper cutter, slide way of machine tool and tool guide.
铣刀 铰刀,盘形车刀,插齿刀,机床导轨和刀架。
The machining results show that the developed machine tool can reach the accuracy of micron order.
Designig the complicated cutting tool with a traditional method may have low accuracy and long cycle.
Using the tool carrier within the dumping bodies to facilitate loading materials, and to improve accuracy.
上刀架采用内倾机构, 便于落料, 并能提高工作的精度。
It will affect the accuracy of machine tool process if CNC machine tool can return home accurately or not.
Stress status of flat tool stretching is determined with various tool width ratios and blank width ratios.
Wolfram steel is adopted in cutting tool, and the surface is hardened which ensure the endurence of tool blade.
As a tool cuts, high heat is developed as a result of compression and friction at the cutting edge of the tool.
In order to give convenience to tool processing, the mathematical description of streamline tool is established.
For the media, a public social tool, be truthful, righteous and accurate is the regulation that should be obeyed.
Simple math tool to practice add, subtra Simple math tool to practice add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
Structure of artificial diamond bit tool influenced efficiency cutting rock. Trapezoidal laminal bit tool was adopted.
Abstract It is well known that environmental stress screening is a very effective tool to find the weaknesses in a product.
摘要筛选是一种发现产品潜在缺陷的, 极为有效的方法。
Moreover, topology discovery tool implementing this algorithm can find the accurate heterogeneous network physical topology.
Vextractor is a tool for transforming raster images into vector formats by building centerlines and outlines. This tool could.
Through the numerically controlled unit head, the transverse feed amount and feed speed of a cutting tool are accurately controlled.
Bandwidth Utilization Billing and Basic Accounting package is a tool to assist network administrators in calculating the bandwidth utilization percentiles.