单词 uruguay 例句大全,用单词uruguay造句:

The Governments of Argentina, Central African Republic and Uruguay have also sent messages.
The impact of the Uruguay Round agricultural reform process on the country appears to be mixed.
The Final Act Embodying the Result of the Uruguay Round of the Multibilateral Trade Negotiation
For this reason, the expert from Uruguay stressed the importance of reviewing the issue of dumping.
China is ready to maintain highlevel exchanges with Uruguay and enhance dialogues at various levels.
中方愿与乌方保持高层交往, 加强各级别对话交流。
Uruguay had adopted internationally accepted standards for that purpose and rigorously enforced them.
The representative of Argentina said that he agreed with the interventions made by Uruguay and Chile.
阿根廷代表说, 他同意乌拉圭和智利的发言。
Tobacco growers are also concerned about several measures proposed at this week's meeting in Uruguay.
Adopt pragmatic and effective measures to ensure the implementation of the agreement of the Uruguay Round.
必须采取切实, 有效的措施保证乌拉圭回合协议的实施。
Uruguay is ready to exchange indepth views with China in this regard and jointly cope with global challenges.
乌方愿就此同中方深入交换意见, 共同应对全球性挑战。
Uruguay does not recognize in its legislation the extraterritorial application of domestic laws of other States.
The second was against Uruguay, when a cruel deflection saw Wesley Sneijder's shot spin past goalkeeper Fernando Muslera's reach.

单词 uruguay 释义



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