单词 ups 例句大全,用单词ups造句:

In his view, literary criticism should always be ups and downs of feeling and sense.
在他看来, 文学批评永远应该是感情和理智的起伏。
In the U.S., people who fail in their entrepreneurial start-ups are still respected.
Thoughts on the Bilingual Ups and Downs of the Human Sympathy and Nature in Cold Night
Life Is full of ups and downs Thousands of horses are running crazily at the grassland
It is your responsibility to have complete back ups of yours and your clients accounts.
Cabbage is related to master mustard, turn ups turnips, care kale and college collards.
The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant that ups the heart rate and makes the blood flow.
Despite the many ups and downs we have experienced, our relationship has moved forward.
The ancient camp walls still record your ups and downs, and people's yearnings for peace.
古寨墙依然记录着你的兴衰, 与人们对安定的渴望。
But the changing fortunes of nuclear power have accentuated the ups and downs for uranium.
We understand how frustrating customs hold ups can be and the financial strain of seizure.
据我们了解如何令人沮丧海关举行起伏, 可与财政株扣押。
Appears maturer after experience professional profession ups and downs Arab League Germany.
This article introduces contents of warm ups for amateur sprinters before the competitions.
Though one has ups and downs to face down the road, his love for life is hard to fade away.
人的一生尽管有多少波涛起伏, 对生活的热爱却难能泯灭。
Scattered rose ups and downs of the broken stars residual crush half dark empty sickle across.
Ups and Downs of Contemporary Commerce in Shanghai and Formation and Development of Shanghai Culture
Ups and downs of scientists in physics crisis and their cultivation of notions on nature and science
After experiencing ups and downs in officaldom for so manys years, he has long accustomed to the life.
Whether you decide to take the step of home ownership is a personal choice with its own ups and downs.
Love is like being on a roller coaster, there are ups and downs but your best friend is always beside you.
爱就像坐过山车, 起起伏伏, 但你的朋友始终在你身边。
Buddhist monk that hasn't experienced the ups and downs in the sea of mortals have no claims to true wisdom.
Enlightenments of Entrance Examination Reform Gained from History of the Ups and Downs of Imperial Examination System
It has never occurred to me that a person who has experienced ups and downs of life should believe such a ridiculous trick.
But one of Legend's most ambitious tie-ups is with Pacific Century Cyberworks, the much ballyhooed Internet company run by Hong Kong's Richard Li, founder of Star TV.
A bunch of high school girls gossiping? Understandable. A bunch of grown ups gossipping at work? Totally immature and unprofessional. Some people really need to grow up.

单词 ups 释义

  • 单词释义:uninterrupted power supply 不间断电源;ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy 紫外线光电子分光镜检查;ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy 紫外光电发射谱分析法;uninterruptible power supply 连续动力供应  [更多..]



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