单词 urgency 例句大全,用单词urgency造句:

Struck by the urgency in his voice, I grabbed a handful of change and dashed out the door.
我感到他语气紧急, 就抓了一把零钱, 冲出了家门。
First, we must maintain our commitment, determination, and above all, our sense of urgency.
Israels incessant warnings have converged with a new atmosphere of urgency around the world.
Without considering the urgency of this matter, he gave us a flat refusal, once and for all.
他不考虑这件事的迫切性而断然拒绝了, 不留一些余地。
The policemen realized the danger, and urgency of this case based on their direct experience.
The importance and urgency of national culture construction are suddenly revealed day by day.
Second, advertising British business abroad has taken on a new urgency in todays austere times.
第二, 时下经济紧缩之际, 英国海外广告业务前景黯淡。
It is with a keen sense of urgency that we state our views, and we await your considered opinion.
The escalation of the conflict underlines the urgency of diplomatic efforts to find a resolution.
Sometimes there was a sense of urgency, but the aim should always be to generate concrete results.
But there seems to be a new note of urgency in official commentary on the structure of the economy.
但是, 在官方对经济结构的评论中, 似乎有一种新的紧迫感。
Lip service continues to be paid to resolving regional conflicts, but there is no sense of urgency.
He should show a sense of urgency and come up to Congress, and tell us exactly what he plans to do.
他应该展示迫切感, 去国会告诉我们他到底打算做什么。
The Rationality and the Urgency of Link Writing for Chinese Word in Written Chinese and its Implement
Furthermore, it discusses the necessity and urgency of combination between foreign trade and domestic trade.
The international community must act with a greater sense of urgency and give higher priority to development.
And of course, without this awareness, there is no way for management to communicate urgency to the workforce.
当然, 缺少了这些了解, 管理层不可能与职工沟通紧急事件。
On the Urgency and Principle in Strengthening the Ajustment to Alleviate the Contradiction of Social Interests
The administration of the Haihe River should advance with the times under urgency of water resources deficiency
Managing and protecting these people was now an issue that needed to be addressed as a matter of urgency, Knight said.
Study on the Mathematics Model and Arithmetic of Single Kind Ordnances Urgency Transportation for MultiRequirement Points.
Education layout and application on urgency to receive medical treatment for patients suffering from coronary heart disease
So he tries to alert her of the urgency of the situation via the Universal Husband Signaling Method, which is jingling his keys.
Part of the urgency comes from the fact that, of order, a billion people on the planet currently are undernourished or starving.
紧急的原因之一是 这个星球上有十亿人 正在挨饥受饿
The international community must, with a greater sense of urgency and responsibility, take solid steps together in the following aspects to achieve common progress.
国际社会应增强紧迫感和责任感, 携手共进, 扎实工作。

单词 urgency 释义

  • 单词释义:紧迫;急迫;急事;紧要  [更多..]



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