单词 urn 例句大全,用单词urn造句:

What with one thing and another, everybody forgot all about the eels in the urn.
由于这种或那种原因, 所有人都把瓮里得鳗鱼忘掉了。
What with one thing and another, everybody forgot all about the eels in the urn.
The utility model discloses a deep sea sampler, comprising a sampling urn bottle.
The more dedicated drinkers may even bring along their personal urn of tea leaves.
Study on the Reconstruction Planning for the Urn City of Zhengyang Gate in Beijing
Another wholesale marble wash basins, lighting accessories and barrels urn and ashes.
The fisherman tried to grapple the urn which was floating down the river, but failed.
A container or receptacle, such as an urn or a vault, for holding the bones of the dead.
Through the gate of hell from outer space, life urn colleagues preserved fish head boat.
自过鬼门关外天, 命同人鲊瓮头船。
He was actually cremated and his urn sent to the Order of The Silver Hand for safekeeping.
However, flood light shine in the front cylinder urn, lost power and prestige of the past.
但是, 洪水在油光瓦亮的瓮缸坝前, 失去了往日的威风。
After cremation, picking of ashes and putting them in the urn, sprinkle on top of the ashes.
火化后, 捡骨毕, 遗骨入坛之后, 撒于骨灰上。
Urn Yuanyang Yuanyang Lake a reservoir and the liberation of the village pond reservoirs collectively.
To avoid staining the Rebirth Blanket, one can also fold it into a small piece, and put it inside the urn.
Points along the foot of soil for the tomb, a small number of children buried Zimu Zhuanshi Mu and the urn coffin burial.
沿山脚为土穴墓, 少数为子母砖室墓和埋葬儿童的瓮棺葬。
M any users have commented that maybe it there should be a ret urn value to signal this condi tion instead of an exception.
In fact, the legend is always legend, the golden urn with the weir cylinder In fact, without the slightest relationship.
pot tazza lachrymatory cruse jar carafe jug fllower pitcher amphora vessel holder canister potiche urn container decanter bottle receptacle.
The adoption liquid of left right side urn presses the synchronous way, and guarantee the synchronous headway of left right side urn to squeeze.
左右侧缸采用液压同步方式, 保证左右侧缸同步前进挤压。

单词 urn 释义

  • 单词释义:大茶壶;瓮,缸;坟墓;骨灰瓮  [更多..]



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