单词 utterance 例句大全,用单词utterance造句:

There was no cessation, but the regular moment's pause, in the utterance of these sounds.
Dialogism refers to the presence and interaction of different voices in an utterance or discourse.
Her expression is hysterical certainly, utterance also is certainly extremely of hidden bitterness.
她的表情一定是歇斯底里的, 言语也一定是万分幽怨的。
The thinking process of artistic language embodies the aesthetic differences of the utterance subject.
History is an important way of understanding the valency of certain kinds of utterance at certain times.
To give clear and effective utterance to put into wordsratiocination thinking articulation talking artifacts n.
以关节连接, 接合, 明白地说。
Patient utterance, mastication and deglutition all very difficult, need to contain Shang Shuicai to be able to swallow.
Felicity and common ground, which are essential to utterance understanding, are often attributable to pragmatic presuppositions.
摘要就话语理解而言, 语用前提应具有合适性和共知性
The empathy is such that the absorbed poems stir, agitate, even haunt himher, making the utterance of them an absolute must as Jin Shengtan said.
于译入之文字, 更须渤涉嵩览, 静味细玩, 方可称诗家。

单词 utterance 释义

  • 单词释义:说话方式;表达;说话;发言  [更多..]



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