单词 spring 例句大全,用单词spring造句:

The Effect of the Hybrids Produced in Spring Hibernating Eggs for Autumn Rearing on Spring Crop production
Perhaps I spring rain in the morning spring rain and cherry can not tell words when I comprehend suddenly.
People drinks spring water, wash a face with spring shower, ramble next assembly room, turn business booth.
The influence of the banding partial unpack in the spring steel to the Jin Xiang organization of spring clip
Spring steel cable for chest pull Stainless Spring Steel, Wire diameter and Tensile strength of Spring Wire.
The monitoring and forecasting for early spring drought and spring drought in Hedong region in Gansu province
A separating clamp spring seat is arranged in the key groove which is provided with a separating clamp spring.
Spring spring back, romantic passion, but long ago withered away and no longer distributed delicate fragrance.
The return of Spring, and all things take on a new aspect. Tianmu Lake will greet to the spring scenery of May.
Climate Variation Characteristics of Spring Precipitation and Its Impact upon Spring Drought in Qinghai Plateau
The Spring Festival is around the corner and the shops are full of people who come for Spring Festival shopping.
春节将至, 商场里挤满了前来办年货得人。
On the eve of the Spring Festival, my father and I had the red antithetical Spring Festival couplets on our doors.
It feels like spring all four seasons in Kunming, so the city has the nickname"City of Perpetual Spring".
The influences of the foundation pit dewatering of pump station of Niangzi Pass on Wulong spring and Shibanmo spring
The intoxicated spring breeze had blown open the spring clouds to reveal the crescent moon and a pair of spring stars.
Every spring, winter jasmine flower was always the first to grow yellow florets, foretelling the coming of spring time.
In the park, everywhere you can see that some tenacious vitality of grass. Spring composition composition spring is coming.
在公园里, 到处都可以看见这一些生命力顽强的小草。
Also among the hills one finds springs everywhere, perhaps best represented by tiger spring, dragon well spring and jade spring.
山间多泉, 以虎跑, 龙井, 玉泉为佳。
The most impressive thing for me during the Spring festival is to provide sacrifices in the Spring Festival eve to worship our ancestors.
我对春节印象最深厚感情的就是年三十晚上供饭, 祭祀祖先。
The Spring Equinox Day and night today is equal. Days get longer and nights shorter get in the Northern Hemisphere after the Spring Equinox.
春分这一天昼, 夜相等。春分后北半球昼长夜短。
Windy rain had sent spring away Flying snow has welcomed spring back Leagues of ice freeze high cliffs Yet pretty are yon blossoming branches
The pine trees along the lakeshore borrow three feet of greenness from the Spring, While the spring in the forest withal quiet the serene scene.
The vast north national customs deliver the spring to arrive at the prairie, goes full steam ahead treads the spring tide madrigal along with the rumor.
浩浩北国风送春到草原, 万马奔腾踏春潮牧歌随风传。
For the first of spring she has no lust, Just let spring flowers envy her fame. Even fallen in mud and ground to dust, Her fragrance still remains the same.
SPRING DAWN I overslept unaware lf daybreak in spring, Have heard birds crying almost everwhere A nightlong of noise from winds and rains I wonder the fallen flowers are countable.

单词 spring 释义

  • 单词释义:春天;弹簧;泉;活力;跳跃  [更多..]



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