In both months, red tides were spotted in Clear Water Bay First and Second Beach.
songbirds characteristically having brownish upper plumage with a spotted breast.
Observers have recently spotted sodium in the atmospheres of two other exoplanets.
Perhaps blood swallowed too much, my poem was always spotted by vestige of blood
The spotted hawk swoops by and accuses me, he complains of my gab and my loitering.
斑纹苍鹰掠过上空并斥责我, 它怪我唠叨和迟迟不走。
Antibodies are spotted the chips and cell lysate or a solution applied to the slide.
Tick typhus is actually a form of Spotted fever in Africa and the Indian subcontinent.
Any time we would surely be spotted by enemy planes flying in and out of the airfield.
When suspicious behavior is spotted, the system can take evasive action or issue alerts.
He had spotted a tiny bottle at the bottom of my case and he pounced on it with delight.
The assailant spotted the blind man at a train station and thought he would be easy prey.
Earlier in the year, these two falcons had been spotted building a nest atop Chimney Rock.
The couple were spotted holding hands and kissing at Hollywood hotspot Boulevard last week.
Interestingly, just a few months ago, I spotted the same monk attending a Pure Land retreat.
有趣的是, 就在几个月前, 我又遇见他参加净土静修。
Now, Atlantic spotted dolphins are a really nice species to work with for a couple of reasons.
我們發現大西洋斑海豚 是最棒的研究夥伴
A hardy breed developed in western North America and characteristically having a spotted rump.
Association analysis between SNPs of the growth hormone gene and antler production in spotted deer
Khan had been spotted on five separate occasions and had even been followed, but was not identified.
可汗在五个不同场合被发现并被跟踪, 但是没有被认出来。
Now, in the Bahamas, we also have resident bottlenose that interact socially with the spotted dolphins.
巴哈馬還住著寬吻海豚 和斑海豚相互幫忙
To conduct development of artificial insemination and embryo transfer by demonstration in the spotted deer.
And the pathetic remains of those homeless people who died of frost and hunger could be spotted anywhere in the city.
Now we have plenty of spotted deer, pilose antler, pilose antler slice, pilose antler powder and we will sell chronically.
Then he went home in triumph claiming to have spotted the book in the second-hand bookshop and ' beaten them down to two quid '.
A technique of artificially produced young yellow spotted grunt, Plectorhinchus cinctus from 13, March to 5, July in 1997 was reported.
Spake's talents were spotted early in his career, when he was working in British Airways reservations department, bored and getting up to mischief.