单词 street 例句大全,用单词street造句:

But by sunday, the police were once again barring access to the street where she lives.
但是周日, 警察再次封锁了通往她所居住的街道。
It provides not less than 160 carparking spaces and is accessible from Yuet Hoi Street.
It provides not less than 328 parking spaces and is accessible from Cheung Shun Street.
Tianyijiao Food Street besides the sculpture on crossing of Wuma Street is very famous.
The train stopped at 32 nd Street, 24 th Street, 13 th Street and the Statue of Christ.
列车在32街 24街 13街和耶稣像站一一停靠。
they go to oxford street , regent street and Piccadilly to see the Christmas decoration.
牛津街, 摄政街和皮卡迪利街去看圣诞节的装饰。
That's like from Wall Street at the southern edge of Manhattan up to maybe 118th Street.
大约从曼哈顿南端的华尔街 到第120街
I remember a white butterfly which went and came in the street. Summer does not abdicate.
The eastern kerbside lane of shan kwong road between yik yam street and king kwong street
This street is famous for its snacks and is honored as"the first snack street".
I have to adapt to this street, the street, people coming and going anxiously to run with.
At that time a total of 72 various shapes street lamp decorated archway Drum Tower Street.
Small as the town is, it has a busy street. or Though small, the town boasts a busy street.
Affected vehicles will be diverted via reclamation street, dundas street and shanghai street
Paradise Street was a short, crowded street near the railway station and hard by the factory.
Yuk wah street between wan wah street and tsz wan shan road and yuk wah crescent whole section
He went down another short street and turned to his left on Vanderhoff Street, where he lived.
I passed on, very thankful that the uproar of the street screened my momentary absentmindedness.
Affected vehicles will be diverted via nathan road, shantung road, shanghai street and hamilton street
Reading the book is a oneway street. Lectures, if you are engaged and attentive, are a two way street.
Did the Wall Street Journal misquote him Please, please tell me the Wall Street Journal misquoted him.
请, 请告诉我华尔街日报把他得话引述错了吧。
It was crossing the street to the bridge or tunnel, should be left to bridge or tunnel crossing the street.
有人行过街天桥或地道的, 须走人行过街天桥或地道。
Temporary traffic and transport arrangements at pennington street and yee wo street, causeway bay with photo
Following the Pub Street in Gongbei, another a pub street is coming into being in Wanzai. Let's take a closer look.
If you had the naggingfeeling that it was illegal to drag a dead horse down a street in Toronto, you'd be absolutely right.

单词 street 释义



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