单词 stereotype 例句大全,用单词stereotype造句:

This is the first stereotype or aphorism that evolutionary psychology has overturned.
A stereotype is a simplified and generalize generalized idea about a group of people.
He represents the stereotype clown with something very dark resting under the surface.
A type stereotype is a simple simplified and generalized idea about a group of people.
People are breaking the stereotype and its good that Indian cinema is being recognized.
人们正在打破传统的模式, 印度电影也开始被人们所认识。
The art of characterization went through a process from stereotype to individualization.
Then provide the custom stereotype annotation in any background task's class definitions.
Ethnocentrism, stereotype and prejudice make it more difficult for people to communicate.
By default, one of the options will be selected for each of the stereotype configurations.
Break away from the single stereotype in the Education of Arts. Cultivate creative artists.
打破美术教育单一模式, 培养创造性艺术人才。
This makes visible the stereotype compartment that contains the names and values of the attributes.
Besides, the flexibility factor and stereotype factor have no differences in all the projects either.
An Experimental Study on the Stereotype of High School Students Expecting to Major in Liberal Arts or Science
This stereotype is strong enough that the adventurers can often be used as a synonym for the player characters.
They were quite right in opposing the old stereotype and the old dogma and in advocating science and democracy.
According to CCTV news stereotype has been installed at the bottom of the helicopter to guard against radiation.
The Party stereotype is not only confined to articles and speeches, but is also found in the conduct of meetings.
不但文章里演说里有党八股, 开会也有的。
What is worse, he is producing a Party stereotype as raucous as a crow, and yet he insists on cawing at the masses.
何况这是党八股, 简直是老鸦声调, 却偏要向人民群众哇哇叫。
The way we stereotype people is a less mature form of thinking, which is similar to the immature form of thinking of a very young child.
Back planing Finishing operation to the back of a stereotype or an electrotype after backing up to make it smooth and to the required height.
He was tall, dark and handsome - every the classic air ace. There was something strangely comforting in the validation of a preconceived stereotype.

单词 stereotype 释义

  • 单词释义:刻板印象;模式化观念(或形象);老一套  [更多..]



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