单词 stingy 例句大全,用单词stingy造句:

I seem to be a very petty and stingy fellow for saying this.
这么说, 我似乎是一个很小气, 很吝啬的人。
I sometimes warm and tolerant, and sometimes eventful stingy.
我有时热情宽容, 有时小气多事。
He seems to be very generous, but turns out to be quite stingy.
他看似大方, 实则非常吝啬。
You malign a generous person when you call him a stingy person.
You malign a generous person when you call him a stingy person.
But stingy that moment is actually crueler than the wild animal.
In the wake up at some point, stingy earphone, continue to tell!
在醒来的某个时刻, 拔了耳机, 继续熟睡!
He is very stingy. He wont give one more cent if you want a dime.
Generous at first, he became stingy with his money after marriage.
起初, 他慷慨大方, 但婚后他变得吝惜钱财。
Suellen I didnt want to wear your tacky green dress anyhow, stingy!
Stingy kids got sick, after the disease cured by taking medication.
After the death of his stingy wife, Edward loosened up a great deal.
He was so stingy he didn't even want bees taking advantage of his tree.
It was not because he's stingy, it was because I wanted to eat noodles.
A stingy man is eager to get rich and is unaware that poverty awaits him.
人有恶眼想要急速发财, 却不知穷乏必临到他身。
Some people have bags of money, but they're very stingy with other people.
Being stingy or making some excuse about not paying doesn't seem to be gentlemanly.
It is a kind of abnormal condition and distorted thoughts, and is not rich stingy rich man.
这一点却是一种变态和扭曲的想法, 并不是富人都为富不仁。
Although I don't like wasting money, I either cannot accept the strict budgeting and stingy man.
Classmates, the industry and thrift is stingy but is a kind of civilization. Should be extensively spread.
同学们, 勤俭不是小气, 而是一种文明, 应该被广泛传承。

单词 stingy 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.吝啬的,小气的,缺乏的,有刺的  [更多..]



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